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Ending Your Fear of the Dentist

Research varies on the topic of fear of the dentist, but we do know that a significant fraction of people avoid seeing the dentist completely out of fear. There are innumerable stories about why people fear the dentist and what happened to make them lose their trust...

Back To School Dental Lessons For Kids

Back To School Dental Lessons For Kids At Smile Glen Ellyn, we realize that, with August upon us, families throughout Illinois (and all over the United States) will begin switching out of summer mode and into their respective back to school routines. Our team of...

Dental Implants Will Make You Smile Again

Dental Implants Will Make You Smile Again At Smile Glen Ellyn, we know that tooth loss as an adult can adversely affect your self-confidence. It can also create a dangerous situation in your mouth that needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible. What Causes Tooth Loss...

How CEREC Can Save Your Tooth

Technology is important in every field. Teachers are using iPads and interactive boards to improve the learning of their students. Mechanics use electronic equipment to better diagnose your car’s engine trouble. Chefs use the latest technology to cook food faster and...

A Summertime Smile Makeover

We love summertime in Glen Ellyn, IL. There’s so much to do and so many people to spend time with! It’s a great season for visiting, taking it easy, and making changes. Patients come into our office during summertime and want to transform their smile to match their...

Gum Disease and Your Health

There is a condition that we aren’t hearing enough people talk about. We hear a lot about things going on around the world and illnesses that affect a small percentage of Glen Ellyn’s population, but we don’t hear much about gum disease, also known as periodontal...