The Pros and Cons of Complete vs. Partial Dentures

If you’re unsure about whether to opt for complete dentures or partial dentures, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each type. Complete dentures, also known as full dentures, are designed to replace all of your natural teeth, providing a comprehensive solution. On the other hand, partial dentures are intended to […]
Protecting Your Smile with Dental Implants: What You Need to Know

Dental implants offer a reliable and effective solution to restore your smile, whether you have one missing or damaged tooth. They not only provide sturdy support for replacement teeth but also help protect the adjacent teeth and gums from issues like gum recession. This post will explore the advantages of dental implants over other solutions, […]
How dental implants can prevent additional tooth loss and the onset of gum recession.

Dental implants are a reliable and successful method for replacing broken or missing teeth. Not only do they offer a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth, but they also safeguard the adjacent gums and teeth from more destruction, future tooth loss, and gum recession. To better understand how dental implants prevent such issues, we will further […]
Your Questions Answered About Root Canals

What is a Root Canal? Are you experiencing the discomfort of an aching, inflamed tooth? Root canal therapy can provide relief. Not only will it cleanse and purify your root canal, but we’ll seal off any future infection so that you won’t have to worry about this happening again! Don’t allow yourself to be in […]
Teeth Whitening vs. Veneers: Which One is Best for You?

Do you ever look in the mirror wishing for a brighter, whiter smile? If so, no doubt you have considered one of two popular – yet very different – ways to achieve that perfect white smile – teeth whitening or veneers. Both procedures offer subtle results with few risks and can take years off your […]
How do All-on-Four dental implants compare to traditional implants?

Advances in dentistry have made it possible to restore a beautiful and healthy smile more quickly and effectively. In the past, people who lost most or all of their teeth had to settle for wearing uncomfortable dentures. Dental implants allow people to have fully functional replacement teeth that look and feel natural. What are All-on-Four […]
5 Dental Procedures to Transform Your Smile at Glen Ellyn

Special moments are often highlighted by a genuine smile. Whether it’s a graduation, wedding, anniversary, important birthday, or family reunion, or another of life’s major milestones, the experiences are accompanied by a great smile. But if you are self-conscious about your teeth, you may be looking for a better smile. Dr. Gibbs offers numerous cosmetic […]
A dental implant or partial dentures. What’s better for you?

Thanks to modern dentistry, false teeth are no longer the only option for replacing missing teeth. If you are missing one or more teeth, you have more options available than ever before. Drs. Gibbs may recommend dental implants or partial dentures. While either option is reasonable, improves your smile, and restores tooth function, there are […]
Learn More About Sedation Dentistry Near You at Glen Ellyn

When is the last time you mentioned going to the dentist among friends? You’ve likely heard horror stories involving various levels of pain and discomfort. There are a lot of people who simply expect to experience pain when they visit the dentist. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Sedation dentistry helps you be […]
Dental Implants for a New You

Dental Implants might just be your new best friend! Why? If you have been faced with some challenging dental health issues in the past or are currently, you may want to consider this procedure. This American Dental Association-approved procedure is not only safe, but very cost-effective and long-term. Dr. Thomas Gibbs wants to help you […]