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Should You Be Considering a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a big decision, just like any other type of makeover you could get! You don’t want to sign yourself up for a major change without first evaluating the entire situation. Can you imagine agreeing to buy a new vehicle or home without first asking...

Implants Provide Alternatives to Dentures

Are you disgusted with your dentures? We don’t blame you at all! Even with the fantastic denture options available right now, there is a limit to what those false teeth can provide. There isn’t enough stability for dentures to be truly effective, and we hate to see...

Four Patients Sedation Dentistry Can Help!

Sedation dentistry is one of the latest and greatest things to happen in dental offices around the country. While some of us have been using sedation for decades, there is a new surge for doctors to offer sedation options that will benefit EVERY patient. Each patient...

Celebrate Independence Day With a New Smile

No, we have not lost track of the calendar. It’s not Independence Day yet, but what if you could have a better looking smile before the fireworks hit the sky? If you’ve been looking for a way to improve your crooked smile, it’s time to come into the office and ask us...

Finding Ways to Include Water in Your Diet

In our previous post, we discussed the fact that water is the best and only beverage to keep by your side throughout the day. We all agree that you need something to sip on when you are thirsty. Staying hydrated is a very important aspect of oral health, but your...

Use the Grocery List to Benefit Your Family’s Smiles

While 2015 is still difficult to write, and the New Year’s celebration hasn’t quite worn off yet, it’s still time to consider ways that you can make 2015 the best yet. At the top of every resolution list is two words: Get Healthy. This is a huge goal, and it takes...
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