When do you need treatment for receding gums?


 You may be experiencing receding gums if you noticed your teeth look longer. You may also have noticed a receding gum line as gums appear to be pulling back away from your teeth.  If your gums recede, gaps may start to form between the tooth and gum. This creates a pocket that allows bacteria to […]

Give Thanks For Great Smiles

Give Thanks For Great Smiles Hello again! We hope that you find this blog to be a useful resource about dentistry. And if you are looking for a trustworthy dentist in Glen Ellyn, IL, we hope you will give our office a call. In any event, it is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost […]

A Summertime Smile Makeover

We love summertime in Glen Ellyn, IL. There’s so much to do and so many people to spend time with! It’s a great season for visiting, taking it easy, and making changes. Patients come into our office during summertime and want to transform their smile to match their happy, sunny mood! At Smile Glen Ellyn, […]

Mirror, Mirror: Is It Time For a Smile Makeover?

When you look at your smile in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see an attractive, shiny white smile with a great shape? Is it a smile you can be proud of, a smile that makes you confident in any situation, whether it’s business or pleasure? Or… Do you see a smile with […]

Should You Be Considering a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a big decision, just like any other type of makeover you could get! You don’t want to sign yourself up for a major change without first evaluating the entire situation. Can you imagine agreeing to buy a new vehicle or home without first asking yourself basic questions like, “Do I need […]