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Tooth Bonding & Tooth-Colored Fillings

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How Tooth Bonding–Esthetic Mercury Free Fillings

Bonding Tooth bonding is to teeth what wood filler is to wood – the process of using a resin putty to build up an object to the size and shape desired. Like all other cosmetic dentistry techniques, tooth bonding has its benefits and its drawbacks. Dr. Gibbs is fully conversant with the methods involved and has kept up with the latest techniques and materials, to ensure the maximum quality of tooth repair is delivered straight to your mouth.

Tooth bonding can be a great way to restore damaged teeth and give you a perfect smile. For instance, your teeth may have been chipped in a fall, a car accident, while working, or in some other circumstance. Changes in tooth color, such as darkening or yellowing, are also frequent causes for people to seek tooth bonding treatment.

There are plenty of good reasons for getting your teeth repaired after they’ve been damaged. For one thing, broken teeth are quite ugly and can affect your self-confidence, your social life, your romantic activities, and your work prospects. For another, teeth that have had a chip off are more vulnerable to later fracturing or cavities, or even abscesses. Regardless, your smile is not what it once was, but cosmetic dentistry bonding can return them swiftly and effectively to their full, white, well-proportioned glory!

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How Tooth Bonding Works and Why It’s Useful

FillingsTooth bonding consists of building up an extension to the teeth with an appropriately dental fillings material. This medical grade resin is very tough and strengthens teeth that have been damaged. As just one comparison, repairing a chipped tooth with a silver-mercury filling would raise the risk of fracturing by up to 75%. By contrast, bonded resin can return a tooth to 95% of its original strength.


  • The first step is color matching the bonded resin so that it will blend into your teeth rather than standing out as being a different tint.
  • After this, the surface of your teeth is roughened very slightly to give some texture for the resin to “grab,” and a conditioning agent is applied to them so the putty sticks well.
  • The bonded resin is placed on the tooth and carefully shaped to match the outlines of the tooth, extending them into the missing area.
  • Depending on the resin that is appropriate for the job, setting it with a high-intensity light may be necessary.
  • Finally, the new construction is polished and shaped until it matches the contours of your tooth. At the end of this process, it is nearly indistinguishable from the natural teeth around it.
  • The resin grips the tooth and bonds with it both chemically and through micro-mechanical connections. The resin is inert and contains no potentially dangerous chemicals once hardened. This is in sharp contrast to silver-mercury filling.
  • Tooth bonding can be used for a single tooth or for the whole smile area at once.
  • Applications for this technique include closing gaps between teeth, lengthening small or worn-down teeth, whitening stained or dark teeth, restoring and protecting a chipped tooth, or replacing old, dangerous silver-mercury amalgam fillings.

Tooth bonding and tooth-colored fillings or white tooth filling retains the maximum amount of original tooth material, contributing to oral integrity, strength, and health, all while looking great!

Call 630-749-2523 or make an appointment with Dr. Gibbs to learn more.

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