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What to do About Canker Sores

What to do About Canker Sores

Canker sores are small-sized ulcers which can form in the mouth, or on the cheeks, lips, tongue, gums, and on the roof of your mouth. They can be caused by a number of different things, and are not contagious, but should be taken seriously if they last a particularly...
5 Things Causing Your Bad Breath

5 Things Causing Your Bad Breath

Most people don’t realize they have bad breath until someone else points it out to them. Rather than trying to mask it with breath mints and chewing gum, dental professional Dr. Gibbs of Smile Glen Ellyn points out that fixing the problem at its root is the better...
What Your Mouth Says about You

What Your Mouth Says about You

Contrary to the popular belief that dentists are only after cavities and plaques, your mouth is the first gateway for diagnosis of various diseases that Dr. Gibbs can spot by simple regular examination. Your mouth can not only help provide early detection of diseases,...
Learn About the Cavity

Learn About the Cavity

When our team asks you about your brushing and flossing habits, they are just looking out for you. When you fail to brush your teeth consistently, you are placing yourself at risk of getting cavities and other forms of tooth decay, which can result in greater harm to...