Ways to Detect and Prevent Gum Recession


Gum recession is a condition where the gum tissue surrounding teeth begins to draw away from the teeth. This will reveal more of the affected teeth and can make them look longer than usual. Gum recession is a common problem and very treatable. Since it’s a gradual process, sometimes, people are not even aware of […]

When do you need treatment for receding gums?


 You may be experiencing receding gums if you noticed your teeth look longer. You may also have noticed a receding gum line as gums appear to be pulling back away from your teeth.  If your gums recede, gaps may start to form between the tooth and gum. This creates a pocket that allows bacteria to […]

What Causes Exposed Tooth Roots and How to Prevent It

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The roots of our teeth anchor them in the gums and jawbone. Like the tooth, the roots have nerves. If you have an exposed tooth root, it can cause sensitivity. Left untreated, it can lead to serious dental health problems. The good news is that if you have associated pain, especially while brushing your teeth […]

Teething May Not be Causing Your Child’s Fussiness

When your baby is teething, sometimes we have been taught to expect runny noses, fevers, and trouble sleeping as parts of the months-long teething process. Turns out it’s just not so, according to Dr. Thomas Gibbs. Here is a look at the problems teething can cause your infant, and what symptoms have other sources. As […]

Pregnancy Gingivitis and Other Unknown Side Effects


Pregnancy creates many changes in the body. Even your teeth and gums can be affected because pregnancy increases the blood flow in the body, creating changes in your oral health that can make you susceptible to infections. It’s a good idea to know what to expect and familiarize yourself with helpful steps you can take. […]

What to do About Canker Sores

canker sores

Canker sores are small-sized ulcers which can form in the mouth, or on the cheeks, lips, tongue, gums, and on the roof of your mouth. They can be caused by a number of different things, and are not contagious, but should be taken seriously if they last a particularly long time or recur frequently. Dr. […]