Sedation Landing page

woman smiling at the dentist

Do you have Dental Fear or Anxiety?

Dental Phobia, Dental Sedation, and “High Fear” Patients

It is estimated that 10-15% of the population is “dental phobic,” and are so fearful of receiving dental treatment that they avoid dental care at all costs. Over half of the people report that they have dental anxiety and delay treatment.

Combining the newest dental technology with a “high touch,” we can truly offer gentle dentistry for all patients–regardless of their past experiences!

For the most comfortable and pleasant visit you have ever experienced, we offer:

  • Caring understanding staff & dentist. No scolding or no embarrassment!
  • Stereo headphones that help with noise and distraction. We have a great CD selection or you bring your own.
  • Wand electronic anesthesia that uses a microprocessor controlled device to deliver the anesthetic. No more “Civil War” era dental syringe! Along with better topical anesthetics, “painless” can’ t be promised-but we are dramatically closer.
  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) helps many patients “feel they are somewhere else.”
  • Advanced laser dentistry provides fast elimination of decay without needles for many patients!
  • Oral sedation works wonders with many patients. Often “just a little pill” and many people actually snore though the visit and remember almost nothing! Sedation is appropriate for patients with pronounced dental fear, extreme gagging, embarrassment concerns, or desire to have their dental treatments done in the minimal number of visits.


IV dental sedation: Patients for whom IV sedation is recommended include:

  1. Patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety, who also require longer appointments.
  2. Special needs and handicapped patients who need more done during each appointment. Patients who want large amounts of dentistry done per visit and need extra comfort.
  3. Patients requiring complex or difficult dental surgery, where discomfort would be greater.
  4. People who are naturally difficult to numb and therefore need sedation for effective anesthesia.
  5. People who are sensitive to or allergic to conventional anesthetics.
  6. Patients susceptible to gagging.

Get your dream smile today!

Call 630-534-0367 or make an appointment to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gibbs

Get in Touch

We’ve filled our website with information about our doctors, our team, and our services including family dentistry we offer, location, maps and business hours. Please feel free to take a look around to learn more about what we do and how we can help keep your smile healthy and stunning for a lifetime. We want you to feel confident that when you choose us, you’re choosing to receive the best dental care available.