One of the greatest advances in modern dentistry is the widespread use of oral conscious and IV sedation. Patients who used to be terrified of the office can now come in and feel completely relaxed during their entire visit. However, sedation isn’t just for patients who are afraid. Sedation Dentistry can also greatly benefit patients with busy schedules who find it difficult to fit dental procedures into their calendars.
In the past, procedures would often be broken into several appointments to make it easier on the patient. Without sedation, a patient would be left to hear and see everything going on. For even the strongest patients, this was a little bit too much, and patients would need to stop and return in the following days. However, busy patients often don’t have time to come into the office several times. This is where sedation makes a big difference.
How Sedation Changes a Complex Procedure
Sedation allows the patient to completely relax during a procedure, even if that procedure lasts for hours! With intravenous dental sedation (and often oral conscious sedation, too), a patient is so comfortable that they sleep throughout the procedure! This allows busy patients to make one appointment, and then relax while they are away from their busy schedules! Busy patients love waking up to a brand new smile without any memory of the dental work!
Sedation Dentistry can benefit most patients in some way or another. Contact us today to find out how sedation can help you through your next appointment! We can’t wait to hear from you, and we hope our sedation techniques will give you a wonderful dental experience!