- Address
- 26 North Park Boulevard
- Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
- Get Directions
- Phone
- (630) 858-8800
- SmileGlenEllyn@gmail.com
Do you have multiple missing teeth?
Do you have a long history of root canals, failed restorations, or gum disease?
Do you have difficulty chewing food?
Are you embarrassed to smile in public?
Are you missing all your teeth and tired of plastic dentures?
Advancements in dental implant dentistry has made it possible to replace all teeth within one day! Named “Teeth in a Day,” this procedure means no more waiting for months for an implant supported bridge to be placed.
This procedure is termed differently by varies offices—“Teeth in a Day,” “Teeth Tomorrow,” and “All-on-Four.” There are a variety of treatment philosophies, and the quality of materials can vary GREATLY—but the process is similar in all.
If you’d like to find out if you are eligible for dental implants or teeth in a day and which options would be best for your situation, click here for your complimentary consultation.
No matter which name they go by, all are a replacement for cosmetic dentures and have many benefits, including:
Within the last few years major advancements in materials have been made. Previously the final product was made from materials very similar to conventional dentures. We now have a far stronger, more esthetic material called Prettau® Zirconia. This amazing material is precision fabricated by only a few licensed laboratories using advanced computer guided milling technology and are vacuum/heat processed. The completed product is:
Dr. Gibbs now only recommends this final product. Teeth Tomorrow Prettau® Zirconia is the only final product with a verified 5 year 99+% success rate.
See our “Advanced Technology” section for more information!
Schedule your dental appointment today! Call (630) 858-8800 or click here to request a consultation.
Dental Implants in Wheaton, Naperville, Schaumburg, and Glen Ellyn, IL.
We’ve filled our website with information about our doctors, our team, and our services including family dentistry we offer, location, maps and business hours. Please feel free to take a look around to learn more about what we do and how we can help keep your smile healthy and stunning for a lifetime. We want you to feel confident that when you choose us, you’re choosing to receive the best dental care available.