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If your hands bled when you washed them, you would be concerned–yet, many people think it’s normal if their gums bleed when they brush or floss. Periodontal gum disease is one of the most common diseases of mankind. Don’t be surprised if you’re told you have periodontal disease—about 60% of American adults do! Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gums, the supporting tissues of the teeth, and even the bone around the teeth.
Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States.
Although there are other less common types of gum disease often dismissed by the patient until irreversible damage is evident.
Gingivitis is extremely common affecting about 2/3rd of adults in varying amounts. It is the inflammation of the superficial areas of the gums with the accumulation of dental plaque and the contributory factors to gum disease previously listed. Using proper brushing and flossing and the reduction of the contributing factors listed above, gingivitis can usually be controlled. The daily elimination of dental plaque, elimination of tobacco usage, and correction of faulty dental restorations are the most important controlling factors. Periodic dental cleaning visits on a regular basis can eliminate destructive dental calculus (calcified plaque).
If left uncontrolled, gingivitis often leads into a much more destructive form of gum disease known as periodontitis. With this form of gum periodontal disease the infection progresses into the destruction of the supporting bone supporting the roots of the teeth. Intervention of knowledgeable dental personnel is absolutely necessary to prevent the disease from progressing into tooth loss.
Please review the adjoining diagram. We often tell patients to think of the tooth being similar to a fingernail—there is naturally a “cleft” like structure around the tooth. In dentistry we call it a “pocket.” Bacteria can collect in the deeper pocket area and the progressive destruction of the tooth support and bone loss can ensue.
With periodontitis daily home care is necessary along with the elimination of contributing factors and the removal of dental calculus (“deep cleaning” or scaling). Once a diagnosis of periodontitis is made intervention is needed and periodic dental hygiene visits are required every 3 month as the bacteria typically need 10 to 14 weeks to cause additional bone loss.
Typical gum disease symptoms include swollen, red, and tender gums. Factors to note:
Although periodontal disease is common, it is usually preventable. The cause of periodontal issues is usually poor or faulty oral hygiene. For instance, many people may brush regularly but not use dental floss, allowing gum disease to start between the teeth. Bacterial deposits build on the teeth and gums forming a film known as dental plaque. The bacterial plaque over time causes gum inflammation—over time the effects of gum disease can lead to tooth loss.
Over time the dental plaque may absorb chemicals from the saliva and can calcify forming a material known as dental calculus that CANNOT be removed with patient tooth brushing. A trained dental
hygienist must carefully remove dental calculus using proper instruments.
There are many contributing factors to periodontal gum disease such as:
Obviously— gum disease is a multi-faceted disease with many factors.—If you suspect gum disease consult with a knowledgeable dentist who can help diagnose and control the disease before it advances!
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