Dental Emergencies in Glen Ellyn, IL

dentists planning treatment

Emergency Dentist in Glen Ellyn – Wheaton, IL

Dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time, and we’re here to prioritize your comfort and provide prompt care when you need it most!
  1. For existing patients having acute dental pain, swelling, or having an emergency requiring immediate attention cal our emergency number 630-991-3329 Your message will be returned within an hour.
  2. Dr. Gibbs’s personal cell phone for even faster service is on your appointment card/office business card.
  3. For new patients we WILL get you into the office within the first few hours of the next business day. Leave a message at the general office phone (630) 326-5718. State laws prohibit prescribing medications to patients not previously seen.
woman with mouth pain; dental emergency care at our Glen Ellyn dental practice

Tooth Pain, Emergency Dentistry, & Toothache Relief

We also understand that dental emergencies come in many different forms. Some examples of dental emergencies are:

  1. Acute pain, swelling, or fever often indicate a dental infection. We will have you in as soon as possible and determine if the tooth requires a tooth extraction (hopefully not!), a root canal, is a gum (periodontal) infection, or something else. Our goal is to get you comfortable as quickly as possible!
  2. Broken teeth—If there is no swelling or pain you can usually wait until the office opens. If the tooth is sharp to the tongue you can sometimes put some soft wax over the sharp area until you get into the office. If the fracture is a cosmetic emergency we can usually get you in the same day. We don’t want you to wait long and we understand that this too is an emergency!
  3. Tooth extractions- These are obviously no one’s favorite but are sometimes needed if the decay or fracture leaves the tooth unable to be restored with dental crowns or root canals.
  4. Tooth avulsion (or “knocked out” tooth)- Very gently rinse the tooth (don’t rub it or scrub it!) and place it in a glass of cold milk. Bring it to the office and sometimes we can re-implant it. This must be done quickly!
  5. Swollen gums can indicate a gum, or periodontal infection. This can be as easy as (something caught in the gums requiring removal) or a sign of gum disease. Again we try to get you in the same day you contact us!
  6. Wisdom teeth—These may need a tooth extraction but sometimes it may only be a gum infection or tooth infection and they can be saved.
  7. Tooth decay and ‘rotten teeth”—Often the decay process can get to the point where the teeth become sensitive to touch or sharp to the tongue or cheek. Call right away as sometimes we can minimally place a sedative filling and get you comfortable fast!
  8. Broken or fractured dentures—These can usually be repaired in the office on the same day but it is dependent on the particular case.

We can work with your insurance to maximize the benefits due to you. As always — feel comfortable to ask us any questions. Sometimes we can even get you in for a consultation if you have particular concerns!

If you are a new patient please check our section on new patient for office information and to print new patient forms! Call (630) 326-5453 or click here to schedule an appointment.

Making Care Affordable and Nearly “Pain-Free”—Bad Teeth or Broken Tooth in Glen Ellyn DuPage County—

Yes—It’s easy to get behind in your dental visits. Keep a few things in mind:

  1. Don’t ever feel embarrassed by your bad teeth, rotten teeth, or having dental emergencies. At SmileGlenEllyn in Glen Ellyn we see many people who are years behind in dental care and we’ll never make you feel bad about waiting too long!
  2. There are ways to finance your dental care to make it affordable. Our staff are experts in finding ways to help all patients get the care they need!
  3. It’s unfortunately not possible to make dental care “painless.” We certainly do have many ways to make the care more comfortable, and in advanced cases we can even use dental sedation, nitrous oxide “laughing gas”, wand syringeless numbing, or any of our other “Comfort Options.”
  4. There may be several options available to repair rotten, broken, and “neglected” teeth. Sometimes we can even break up your care into phases to make it more affordable without compromising the quality of care.

Get in Touch

We’ve filled our website with information about our doctors, our team, and our services including family dentistry we offer, location, maps and business hours. Please feel free to take a look around to learn more about what we do and how we can help keep your smile healthy and stunning for a lifetime. We want you to feel confident that when you choose us, you’re choosing to receive the best dental care available.