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Invisalign Makes Orthodontics Easy

by | Nov 13, 2015 | Blog

Invisalign Makes Orthodontics Easy

Welcome back to the dental blog of Smile Glen Ellyn!

We hope that you are enjoying all that autumn has to offer. And with the holidays rapidly approaching, we hope that your smile is camera-ready!

If you are unhappy with your teeth because of cosmetic flaws, it can be a real drag to get together with friends and family, or even co-workers. But your Glen Ellyn, IL dentist can easily help you improve your situation, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest extent.

Crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth are no match for our orthodontic realignments. Don’t worry, we aren’t trying to get you into a set of shiny, metal braces like your friends had back in high school. These days we have a more dignified method for straightening out adult teeth. It is called invisalign.

Invisalign Rewrote The Rules

Back in the day, the only effective option for realigning teeth was through conventional metal braces. But that method had a few well-known drawbacks. Your mouth was filled with metal brackets and wires for 2 or more years without any relief. To stay on track, all that metal had to be adjusted monthly at the orthodontist’s office. It also required special tools to keep it clean and free of food particles. Plus, it felt awkward in your mouth and attracted unwanted attention.

It’s no wonder that our Glen Ellyn, IL dental patients who are past the age of puberty don’t have the time or patience for that kind of arrangement.

But many of those same adults are thrilled when they learn how Invisalign can help transform the health and appearance of their smile.

Unlike conventional braces, Invisalign braces work by moving your teeth gently through a succession of comfortable stages.

A major selling point of Invisalign is that this system allows you to straighten your teeth without having to endure the indignity and inconvenience of metal wires and brackets.

Instead, we will use 3D images of your mouth to design a series of clear plastic aligners that you will switch out at the appropriate time to keep things moving along. This means you won’t have to come to our office for monthly tune-ups.

These nearly invisible aligners are also removable, so you can pop them out for meals ensuring that no food gets trapped along the way. Plus you just rinse them under warm water instead of carrying around an arsenal of cleaning tools.

When treatment is complete (usually in about a year), we will determine whether or not you need a temporary positioner to keep your teeth from shifting back towards their previous positions.

In short, Invisalign is fast, effective, and discreet, as far as orthodontic treatments go.

It is a great orthodontic solution for adults with misaligned or crowded teeth who want a better smile without all the headaches of conventional braces.

This method has produced amazing results for so many of our Glen Ellyn patients. But you will need to schedule a consultation to see if it could be a good solution for you.

Find Out More About Invisalign

Find out more today!

Contact us at Smile Glen Ellyn to schedule your Invisalign consultation.

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