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Can Oral Health Prevent Cancer?

by | Dec 8, 2018 | Blog, Gum Health, Oral Health, Overall Health

oral health

Having a healthy oral hygiene routine is important to your health in more ways than you might realize: recent research is showing by preventing the development of gum disease, you may potentially help prevent certain cancers.

Researchers at the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki University in Finland, as well as the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, say that the bacteria that induces periodontitis has similarities in how they propagate to the onset of pancreatic cancer. Periodontitis, the inflammation of tissues around the teeth, is caused by a bacteria that causes low-grade inflammation in the gums, which can help the bacteria reach other parts of the body.

The researchers published their study in the British Journal of Cancer, finding that an enzyme produced by the bacteria to help it successfully propagate can also activate enzymes that help cancer cells anchor into other parts of the tissue. This enzyme can also reduce the abilities of the immune system to work in protecting the body. Another study found that periodontitis has a connection to cancer mortality, particularly in pancreatic cancer.

When you need oral care from a Glen Ellyn, IL dentist, Smile Glen Ellyn is ready to meet your needs. To help prevent periodontitis and protect your oral health, call Dr. Thomas Gibbs to make an appointment today.

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