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Allow CEREC Technology to Save Your Smile

by | Oct 15, 2014 | Blog

We love having CEREC technology here in our office, but not everyone understands the benefits of this fantastic machine. For most, it is cool technology and very little more, but we would love for our patients to realize how important CEREC can be when your tooth is on the line. To help us demonstrate that point, let us share a true story with you, then we will share how CEREC could have given this story a happier plot!

A woman in need of a crown goes to her dentist for her tooth be prepared, impressions taken, and a temporary crown put in place. When she goes back a few weeks later, her new crown does not fit. New impressions are taken, temporary replaced, and she goes back home to wait. While waiting, her temporary breaks at the beginning of a holiday weekend, requiring her to wait until the following week to be seen. When her permanent crown finally comes in, the dentist discovers an infection in her tooth, which requires a root canal before the crown can be placed.

CEREC’s Intervention

CEREC is more than just a cool toy. In this situation, CEREC crowns could have completely changed the plot of this story. This patient would have never left the office without a permanent crown in place! Even if CEREC made a mistake with the first crown, the patient would have simply read another magazine article while waiting for a second crown to be made! There would be no risk of infection, no broken temporaries, and only one appointment instead of several!

When you consider the struggle, pain, and cost that this patient could have avoided if she had had access to CEREC, it’s easy to see the value of this amazing technology! Contact us today to learn more about CEREC Crowns and Bridges and how it can improve your next procedure! We can’t wait to show you what CEREC can do!

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