“All-on-Four” and Teeth-in-a Day” Implant Tooth Replacements

couple smiling

Who is a candidate for “All on Four” or “Teeth-in-a -Day” or “Next Day Smile” Dental Implant Therapy?

Frustrated patients! Patients with a hopeless dentition who are tired of repeated dental failures, tooth pain, and the embarrassment of not having comfortable functional teeth. These patients are tired of constantly having crowns, root canals, and bridges fail with the discomfort and cost of seemly constant replacement.

Also people who have had dentures or partials that are too loose and constantly uncomfortable. The longer a person is without teeth—the more supportive bone disappears and the worse their problems become. These patients are tired of denture paste, food getting caught beneath the denture, the feeling of a “mouthful of plastic,” and mouth order.

Imagine (realistically) a tooth replacement solution that

  • Allow you to chew anything you want again
  • Does Not break or needs repairs
  • Is beautiful and allow you to smile naturally and confidently
  • You will never have to have “teeth in a glass” at the end of the day
  • “Next Day Smile”–A Superior Longer Term Solution
teeth in a day
missing tooth; before dental implant treatment

Next Day Smile Before

smile after dental implant treatment

Next Day Smile After


What is “Teeth-in Day,” or “All-on Four” Dental Implants?

“All on Four”–There is a considerable amount of literature online about the “All-on Four” or “Teeth-in-a Day” concept. As a dentist with over 30 years of dental implant surgical and restorative experience I can offer a number of practical, and academic observations (no hype).

In the (recent) past to replace all the teeth in either or lower or upper jawbone, eight to ten implants would need to be placed. Patients would have to wait 4 to 12 months in uncomfortable dentures before permanent teeth could be placed.

Worse then—the replacement teeth were made of acrylic—just like denture3s. Breakable and tooth wear were common. Repairs meant being without teeth (ANY) teeth for up to a week.

There are Many Solutions to Complete Tooth Loss—Know your Options!!!

  1. First — of course dentures. We can make “cosmetic dentures” and they can be made better than in the past. Check our article on “The Hidden Dangers of Dentures”. Realize that even with the very best denture, the remaining supporting bone will wither, and the facial muscles (think sunken checks) will continue until death.

  2. Implant Retained Dentures — In the modern age (we’re now 2017) this is the current MINIMAL standard of care in many countries (not the USA). We have done hundreds of these restorations and they are far superior to conventional dentures. The dentures will still pivot and bone loss will continue.

  3. Bar supported dentures — I’ve done dozens of these—Let’s say enough—great concepts but there are way too many problems for me to do again.

  4. Implant retained dentures — I’ve also done hundreds of these over the last 25 years. Many problems are solved. Recurrent problem is breakage and wear. Being made of conventional plastic denture materials wear continues and tooth breakage is common. We do not warranty these problems, as they are inherent to the materials. Usually repairs take a few days in the laboratory

“Next Day Smile”–A Superior Longer Term Solution

There are many problems with immediate “Teeth in a Day” dental implants bridges:

1) They are made of acrylic and not uncommonly the entire bridge may fracture (not always easy to fix).

2) The teeth are also usually made of acrylic and may fracture off or chip.  This may require laboratory repair.   The patient may be with any teeth for a few days during repair

3) Acrylic long term is a patient’s mouth may absorb stains and toxins.  This can be unsightly, and retain orders

The best long-term solution utilizes advanced dental ceramics and a material known as Prettau® Zirconia.  It is extremely stain resistant, resists fracture or chipping, and can easily a patient’s lifetime.  Dr. Gibbs utilizes a system know as Next Day Smile, and is the only system currently available with a 100% 5 years proven record.

It is a wonderful to see a patient with a “terminal dentition” suddenly be able to smile again!  It is wonderful to eliminate the need for dentures!

Need for Dental Sedation or Advanced Anesthesia

Although Dr. Gibbs at SmileGlenEllyn in Glen Ellyn has experienced in dental anesthesiology and IV sedation, this is not required for these procedures. The patient comfort level and anticipated difficulty is discussed with the patient and a choice is determined.

Dr. Gibbs has restored thousands of dental implant restorations in the last 30 year, and all implant procedures can be performed in the same office.  He has received advanced training with the Micsh International Implant Institute, Pikos Implant Institute, California Implant Institute, and Kois Center for Advanced Dentistry.  He has also earned his advanced fellowship in the International Academy of Dental Implantology and the American Academy of Dental Anesthesiology.

* Also see our article on the “Hidden Dangers of Dentures” and our  dental implants introduction page.

Get in Touch

We’ve filled our website with information about our doctors, our team, and our services including family dentistry we offer, location, maps and business hours. Please feel free to take a look around to learn more about what we do and how we can help keep your smile healthy and stunning for a lifetime. We want you to feel confident that when you choose us, you’re choosing to receive the best dental care available.